What is a NFC tag? NFC tags are small pieces of plastic that can store data. They have a small antenna which can transmit or receive data when you tap your phone to it. If you have an iPhone, you will need to use the Google Tag Manager app in order to program your NFC tag. For this tutorial, we will be using Android phones and the NFC Writer application (which is free). NFC Tags are passive and do not have batteries because they rely on magnetic fields generated by the reader device (your phone). They can be used for advertising, marketing, and security purposes What can you do with NFC tags? You can use NFC tags in countless ways. They can be programmed to do anything from opening a website to turning on a light or even unlocking your door. If you have an Android phone, you can also make them perform actions automatically by setting them up as shortcuts to other apps and functions. For example, if you want to turn on a light when it gets dark outside without having to remember the app or switch devices (like setting your phone down), then you could program an NFC tag with an auto-on function for that purpose. You could also use this same feature for things like starting music playlists when connecting certain headphones or launching voice assistants with one tap instead of two taps (which is required currently). What Is NFC Tag Programming? NFC programming, also known as NFC tag programming or NFC tag writing, is the process of writing data to an NFC tag. An NFC tag is like a blank piece of paper stored inside an integrated circuit. It can be written with information using a special device called an NFC tag writer. The other option is to write the information yourself by holding your smartphone over the back of the tag and launching your preferred application for writing data (such as Google Assistant or Samsung-Siri). NFC programming requirements NFC tags are not difficult to program, but you will need the right tools and apps. You’ll need an NFC tag, an NFC reader with a card slot (like a smartphone), the Android or iOS app that can program the tag, and finally, an app that allows you to create your own content for use on your tags. If you already have an NFC-enabled device like an Android phone or tablet, you can skip buying the first three items from this list since they’re already available on your device! If not, read on!

  • NFC tag (NFC sticker) * NFC reader with card slot for your device * Android or iOS app that can program the tag * An app such as NFC Tools on Android or Write for iOS which allows you to create your own content for use on your tags. How to program NFC tags on Android If you have an Android device with NFC, you can use the NFC tag programming software to program your tags. The first thing you will need to do is install the app on your phone and open it up. Then, tap “Create new tag” and select the type of tag that you want to create. You can either create a blank tag or write over an existing one if you want to personalize it for someone in particular. Once done, touch your device against your NFC accessory until prompted by a message saying “Tag written!” That’s all there is too it! If it fails, try again with another accessory, making sure that both devices are turned off before touching them together–this will help ensure proper contact between them and improve accuracy How to program NFC tags on iOS To program an NFC tag on iOS, you’ll need to download the NFC TagWriter app. This app is available in the App Store and has a 4.5 star rating with over 8,000 downloads. To begin programming your tags, open the app and tap on “+” in the top right corner of your screen: Next, choose what type of tag you want to write: “standard” or “custom”. Tap on this option when it appears next to “Select Tag Type.” You can also choose whether or not you want an icon for each type of tag as well as whether or not it’s round (non-flat) or flat (flat). If all that seems too complicated for now, just select standard from both lists and continue onward! Now comes another important step: writing out what each tag should say! Tap on each individual box until there’s text inside each square (in this example we’ve written “My first NFC Tag!”). When all boxes are filled with letters/words/etc., press down anywhere outside those boxes so that they’re no longer highlighted yellow; then click Done at bottom right corner of screen. Your phone will vibrate slightly; this means it’s ready for programming! Finally… Now simply put your phone onto top of any compatible device containing an NDEF chip (like another smartphone) where its antennae can pick up signals from nearby devices—like readers used by retailers who accept payments using mobile wallets like Apple Pay™–and watch magic happen! There are many uses for NFC tags and they are not too difficult to program NFC tags are not expensive and can be purchased for as little as $10. There are also many uses for NFC tags, and they are not too difficult to program. You may be wondering what exactly an NFC tag is, and how it works? An NFC (Near Field Communication) Tag is a small piece of plastic that emits a radio frequency signal when it’s placed in close proximity with an NFC-enabled smartphone or other device. The tag can then be used to automate tasks on your phone by simply tapping the phone against the tag. For example, you could have an NFC tag programmed so that when you tap your phone against it while at home, your house lights will turn on automatically; or perhaps while at work, your laptop will automatically open up whatever file was last open on your desktop computer. Conclusion NFC programming is one of the easiest ways to get started with NFC technology. It’s great for personal use, but also has many commercial applications. The best part about it is that you don’t have to buy any expensive equipment or software in order to program an NFC tag. Most smartphones have built-in NFC capabilities that allow users to program tags using nothing more than their phone—no extra devices needed!