Users reporting errors on Hive Social

Since the Twitter fiasco began, many newcomers have been trying to dethrone the tech giant from the top position in the microblogging domain. One of them in the race is Hive Social, which launched back in 2019 and has recently grabbed the attention of the masses, with one of the reasons being the instability at Twitter. It is never an easy job to handle a sudden influx of users as the server can get overlooked beyond the maximum capacity. This is what is happening at Hive. Many users have voiced the issue that they’re getting “An Error Occurred Loading Users’ Followers/Following” when they’re trying to check their followers or following on Hive Social. Some users are also unable to repost or receive notifications.

Steps to fix An Error Occurred Loading Users’ Followers/Following on Hive Social

Hive Social developers have rolled out an update that patches this unexpected bug (version 2.0.2) [Via: Twitter @THEHIVE_Social]. However, as of now, this update is still in the beta stage so you’ll need to join the beta testing group for receiving the update. To do that, Apple users need to head over to the Test Flight group while Android users need to search Hive Social on Play Store, then scroll down to the bottom, and tap to join. Once you’ve done that, you’ll shortly get the beta update, which you need to download and install right away. Once you’ve done so, it should fix the issue.