The latest update adds One UI 3.0 features which bring improved UI, better usability, refined quick panel, and also the new features of Android 11. Unsurprisingly, Samsung also includes December 2020 security patch in the latest update. As usual, the Galaxy S10 devices are getting the One UI 3.0 update in a phased manner. So, it may take some time to reach your phone. Alternatively, you can manually check for the update by navigating to Settings -> Software updates -> Check for updates
Steps to Install One UI 3.0 on Galaxy S10 Series
You can download any Galaxy firmware using Samfirm Tool, Guide: Download Latest Galaxy Firmware using SamFirm Tool Or Using Frija Samsung Firmware Download Tool
Odin Flash Tool
Check sammobile website to get the latest firmware for your device
Disclaimer is not responsible for any damage happened to your device(s) while following this guide so please proceed at your own risk. However, we would be happy to help with any problems within our reach
Installation Guide (Manual Flashing using Odin)
If the installation is successful, you will see the message Pass in the Log Tab. Download source: SamFrew