The Freeform app, which promotes collaborative creativity, is one of the new features introduced in this update. If you want to work on a project or an idea with others, this app might be useful. Apple Music Sing is an exciting new feature that allows listeners to sing along with their favourite songs and then broadcast their performances to their social networks. This is an interesting take on interacting with music, and it has the potential to be a lot of fun for Apple Music listeners. The update also adds the ability to use an external display with an iPad Pro, making it possible to treat the tablet as a laptop replacement. If you plan on using your iPad for work or other productive purposes, this could prove to be a helpful addition. Read More: Apple is releasing the iOS 16.2 Beta 4 Update for developers to test

At last, the update makes it easier and more reliable for smart home accessories to talk to iOS devices. This has the potential to streamline the process of controlling and managing a user’s smart home ecosystem and improve the compatibility of smart home devices with Apple products. The iOS 16.2 Release Candidate and iPadOS 16.2 Release Candidate updates offer many new features and improvements. It’ll be interesting to see how the public reacts to the updates next week.